
Debugging in Vim

Vim 8.1 was released in May 2018. The “main new feature” was official support for running a terminal within vim. Along with this came a built-in debugger plugin, termdebug, which provides a visual interface for interacting with gdb. This post walks through an example session using termdebug.

Let’s use termdebug to step through and inspect the following C program that calculates the factorial of a number. I’ll be using Ubuntu 18.04, along with a version of vim installed from the Ubuntu repo—8.0.1453—that includes the relevant feature that was officially released as part of vim 8.1.

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Calculates factorial.
* Overflow is not checked/handled.
int factorial(int x) {
assert(x >= 0);
int result = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; ++i) {
result *= i;
return result;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
assert(argc == 2);
int x = atoi(argv[1]);
int result = factorial(x);
printf("%d\n", result);
view raw factorial.c hosted with ❤ by GitHub

In addition to vim, a working version of gdb is required for debugging. For Ubuntu, this can be installed from the Ubuntu repo. For macOS, gdb will have to be code signed, and I’ve found that gdb versions earlier than 8.3 are problematic (tested on macOS Mojave). I haven’t tested debugging on Windows. Before trying to debug with vim, I suggest verifying that gdb works as expected on your system.

The path and/or name of gdb can be modified by setting the termdebugger variable before invoking the termdebug plugin.

Loading the termdebug Plugin

After loading the factorial.c source code, let’s load the plugin.

:packadd termdebug

The tab will split into three windows, which I’ve rearranged so that the editor window is on the right, as shown below.

The top-left window is for interacting with gdb. The bottom-left window is for interacting with the program loaded by gdb. The editor window on the right—with the corresponding source code—will show breakpoints and highlight lines when stepping through a program. This window also has clickable buttons at the top for interacting with gdb.

Loading a Program

We’ll have to compile the code using the -g flag, which will include debugger information in the compiled program.

:!gcc -g factorial.c -o factorial

We can use the gdb window to load the program. In addition to <c-w> commands and/or mouse clicks, we can use the :Gdb command to jump to the gdb window. The following gdb command will load the program (highlighted in the image that follows).

(gdb) file factorial

Alternatively, we could have passed factorial as an argument when calling :Termdebug earlier.

Setting Breakpoints

Breakpoints can be set in the gdb window using ordinary gdb commands.

(gdb) b factorial
(gdb) b 23

Alternatively, breakpoints can be set by navigating to a line of code in the editor window and entering :Break.

Lines with breakpoints are indicated by >> in the editor window.

Breakpoints can be removed with gdb commands or by navigating to the relevant lines and entering :Delete. Update 2019/05/12 6:45pm ET: On my version of vim, :Delete is used to remove breakpoints, but this was changed to :Clear in a commit on March 3, 2018.

Program Execution

The :Run command starts the program.

:Run [args]

Or alternatively, a program can be launched by entering the run command directly in the gdb window.

(gdb) run [args]

In either case, [args] should be replaced by the program’s arguments. Let’s use the value 6 to run the factorial program.

Both :Run and (gdb) run will pause execution at the first breakpoint. An alternative way to launch a program is to use gdb’s start command, which will pause execution at the beginning of the program.

I’ve launched the program using the vim command :Run 6. Execution is paused at the first breakpoint, with the corresponding line highlighted.

Stepping through Code

There are various ways to step through a program.

  1. Invoking gdb stepping commands directly in the gdb window
  2. Clicking Step, Next, Finish, Cont, Stop, Eval in the editor window
  3. Issuing vim commands :Step, :Over, :Finish, :Continue, :Stop

Program Inspection

The values of variables can be inspected in various ways.

  1. Invoking gdb inspection commands directly in the gdb window
  2. Hovering your mouse over variables in the editor window
    1. This requires the +balloon_eval compile-time feature
    2. This worked for me in gvim, but didn’t work reliably when running vim in a terminal
  3. Issuing vim command :Evaluate {expr}
    Omitting {expr} will evaluate the expression under the cursor, which can also be performed by pressing K


After passing all breakpoints and running the program until termination, we can see 720 in the program window, which is the expected output for the calculation of 6!.

The built-in help page includes thorough documentation.

:help terminal-debug

62 replies on “Debugging in Vim”

Hi Beamer, I’ve rearranged the windows so that the editor window is on the right. To do this, I moved the cursor to the editor window and entered ctrl-w L.

Documentation for moving windows is at :help window-moving.

Hi Daniel. Are you aware of any plugin/.vimrc which builds on termdebug AND Vim 8.1’s terminal windows to provide an easier workflow?

I’m referring to keys being mapped to :Step, :Next, and the likes, for instance, as 6 or more keystrokes everytime I simply want to move to the next line are a bit too much.

Furthermore, I see that commands like :packadd termdebug and :Termdebug vim have to be run everytime I start a new Vim session.

I wonder if such a thing exists. There are some results on GitHub, but having your thoughts on this topic would be useful!

Hi Enrico,

I’m not aware of any plugins that build upon termdebug.

:packadd termdebug can be added in your .vimrc so that you don’t have to enter that command for each Vim session.

" Source the termdebug plugin
packadd termdebug

With that added, termdebug can be launched with :Termdebug or with a custom mapping in your .vimrc, like the example below that loads termdebug with <leader>td (where <leader> would be a backslash, unless modified from its default).

" Add mapping to load termdebug
noremap <silent> <leader>td :Termdebug<cr>

There are various ways to speed up the entry of :Step, :Over, and the others. The following approaches are mentioned in the blog post:

  1. Invoke gdb stepping commands directly in the gdb window
  2. Click Step, Next, Finish, Cont, Stop, Eval in the editor window

In case you’re looking for an alternative approach, the following custom mappings—or some variation—for your .vimrc may be helpful. These map the stepping commands to <leader>s and <leader>o (where <leader> would be a backslash, unless modified from its default).

" Add mappings for :Step and :Over
noremap <silent> <leader>s :Step<cr>
noremap <silent> <leader>o :Over<cr>

The >> symbols doesn’t appear neither the top bar, even If I use :Winbar.
Anyone know what it could be? I have terminal activated

Hi GGCristo, does the breakpoint symbol appear after you enter CTRL-L or :redraw! to redraw the screen? If so, there is seemingly a problem preventing the screen from being updated when it should be.

Thanks for answer, I have never seen << neither lines highlight, neither the clickable bar.
At first I tought that that windows it was a regular code source, but I can press K above a variable and it tells me it value, so it doesn't seem to be the problem here.

Hi Daniel.
how to switch to the source code window from the gdb window after i enter some commonds in the gdb windows? I tried , but that didn’t work.

Hi wckang, there are various ways to switch to the source window.

  1. Use ctrl-w commands to navigate away from the gdb window.
    • ctrl-w h
    • ctrl-w j
    • ctrl-w k
    • ctrl-w l
  2. Navigate to the desired window with a mouse click.
  3. Within the gdb window, switch to Terminal-Normal mode with ctrl-w N or ctrl-\ ctrl-n, followed by :Source. Terminal-Job mode can be entered with i in the gdb window for entering additional gdb commands there.

Hi Daniel.
I have another question:how to remap the shortcuts in termdebug? In my neovim configure, the K has been mapped, so that will conflict the K in termdebug.

The K key in termdebug is equivalent to :Evaluate. The following example maps this to <leader>K (where <leader> would be a backslash, unless modified from its default).

noremap <silent> <leader>K :Evaluate<cr>

Hi Makmek. The gdb window is for interacting with gdb by entering debugging commands directly. For example, breakpoints can be entered here with b, and stepping commands can be entered here too (e.g., step and next). The program window is for I/O from the running program.

I do not know how to remove these windows. I haven’t tested, but an alternative could be to change window sizes (e.g., ctrl-w _ and ctrl-w |) and/or move windows to separate tabs (e.g., ctrl-w T).

Thanks for the response.

I was not referring to the gdb pane. I was referring to the one below the gdb pane in your picture (Sorry I got the status bars confused in the previous post). That pane is an extra annoyance when switching panes (between vim and gdb).

I am currently using ctrl-w _ and it is a good workaround to get more space for the gdb pane.

I found a way to do this. You have to ‘set hidden’ first. Then you can use C-w c to close the pane while keeping the buffer in the background. When that pane is closed you can do C-w w to switch back and forth between gdb and vim easily.

The program window is for I/O from the running program, for displaying the stdout and stderr streams, and taking input through the stdin stream.

I guess this window is not useful if e.g., your program takes input from command line arguments and/or files, and writes output to files without using stdout nor stderr.

Another option, as an alternative to resizing the program window with ctrl-w _, is to navigate to the program window and close it with ctrl-w c. The following custom mapping—or some variation—for your .vimrc may be helpful. This maps ctrl-\ c to a key sequence that closes the program window. The mapping assumes it’s run from the gdb window in terminal-job mode.

" Add mapping to move to the program window and close it.
tnoremap <c-\>c <c-\><c-n>:Program<cr><c-w>c:Gdb<cr>i

Hi Daniel,

I case you (or someone else reading this post) like to use :set nu and :set rnu in Vim but you would like to :set nornu when you’re in the !gdb terminal window, so that it’s easier to use the break command, for instance, please check out the autocommand I’ve defined here.

Enrico Maria

Hi Enrico, I had been formatting comments using HTML tags. I see that you’ve used markdown, so I’ve turned on the markdown in comments functionality, and your comment now appears properly formatted.

I’ve found this place to be the best summary (still :help terminal-debug is a quite good read and not too long).

There is one thing that puzzle me:
How can I pass arguments to GDB upon start? Previously I had written every necessary GDB commands into a .gdb file and then start gdb as gdb -q -x my.cmds.gdb myexecutable and I have not yet found a way to pass those gdb commands into the GDB session under VIm’s control. Starting a vim’d gdb similar to above can be done via /opt/vim/bin/vim -c "packadd termdebug" -c "let g:termdebug_wide=1" -c "Termdebug myexecutable" -c "resize +10" so the only missing part is to send gdb the source my.cmds.gdb. Any idea how to do this?

Hi Simon,

I don’t know if there is a built-in way to do that.

As an alternative approach, you can create a wrapper around gdb, which uses your custom arguments, and then set g:termdebugger to use that wrapper.

For example, a wrapper could be the following.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
gdb -q -x my.cmds.gdb "$@"

After 1) setting that script’s executable bit (e.g., chmod u+x, 2) adding it to some directory on the PATH, and 3) running let g:termdebugger='' in Vim, then :Termdebug would utilize your custom arguments.

Alternatively, if you don’t add to a directory on your PATH (or update PATH to include’s directory), then g:termdebugger can be set using the full path to the wrapper (e.g., let g:termdebugger='/some/path/to/').

After the wrapper script is created, setting g:termdebugger accordingly could be incorporated into the call to Vim that you posted above.

Thank you for the tip. I’ve later read about the variable in the help and for a short moment thought this may be a possible hack but then thought there should be a way to put anything from vi into gdb.
Maybe switch to its window/buffer and place the command + CR into it (I have no idea if something like this works with vim)?
After the post I’ve also checked the termdebug source a bit and the MI protocol an it looks like it may be able to Send gdb the original command via VIM->MI or write to the hidden buffer “gdb communication”. But also in these two cases I have no clue how to do that :-/

There’s a TermDebugSendCommand function for sending commands to gdb.

That could be called from your launcher command, combined with your my.cmds.gdb commands file, hopefully achieving the desired outcome.

vim ... -c Termdebug -c "call TermDebugSendCommand('source my.cmds.gdb')" ...

That looks cool. I wasn’t aware of the :call option, works fine in general and is also quite handy for additional key mappings as mentioned in

Only things to take care: all of those additional commands need to be placed after the initial -c TermDebug and the command file should not include an attach (as that would not use the stdin/out buffer of vim), possibly also not a file (haven’t checked that).

Starting a new VIM-gdb’d debug with manual commands work perfectly now and I guess I’ll also find out how to attach that way…
:Termdebug myexecutable 1234 leads to a strange screen state where I need to [ctrl]+[c], then answer gdb to “continue” an “no”, don’t kill the process, even when called from within VIm, the behavior with -c 'Termdebug' is identical. But altogether I’ve learned a good amount of VIm and Termdebug stuff today – thanks!

If 1234 is intended as an argument for myexecutable, the :Termdebug command won’t work as shown in your example, as it doesn’t permit arguments to be passed for the program being debugged. The second argument to Termdebug is interpreted as a process ID (for attaching to an already running executable) or a core file.

To pass arguments to the program, there is :TermdebugCommand.

:TermdebugCommand myexecutable 1234

As my post was about attach 1234 was intended to be a PID. The attach actual “works somehow”:

Termdebug is started
gdb is started with the correct file myexecutable and seems to attach to 1234

But: then I need to [CTRL]+[C] first, then gdb-“c”ontinue the pagination, then tell gdb to “n”ot start a new process and to not kill the process and then get out of the debugging.

GDB and Vim are both on latest release. A plain attach with plain GDB works, running a new program in Termdebug also works fine, but the combination does not.

A possible workaround could be to attach using a gdb command directly (through the plugin), instead of using an argument to Termdebug.

One approach to do that could be to run :Termdebug myexecutable and then attach to a process by entering attach 1234 in the gdb window.

Or alternatively, the same idea could be incorporated into your launcher.

vim ... -c 'Termdebug myexecutable' -c "call TermDebugSendCommand('attach 1234')" ...

In the first screenshot of this tutorial, the vim source code (right-hand side) has some buttons on the top (Step, Next, Continue, Stop etc.).

What are the vim settings to get these buttons?

Hi vijaychsk,

If Vim was compiled with menu support (:echo has('menu') would show 1) and 'mouse' is set (:set mouse? would show e.g., mouse=a), the termdebug plugin adds the toolbar. The functionality is not supported in Neovim.

In addition to the toolbar, the plugin also configures a popup menu that can be used for setting breakpoints, clearing breakpoints, and evaluation (see :help termdebug_popup). The popup menu can be opened by right-clicking with the mouse. Like the toolbar, popup functionality requires +menu and 'mouse' support.

Thank you for the great tool! Now I can map all F? keys and debug my codes almost like I did in good old turbo-pascal (in the previous millenium in a country that ceased to exist:) .

There is, however, an annoying difference. If I put a breakpoint on some line with “:Break”, and add few lines above it the marker of the breakpoint moves down together with the text, but gdb still thinks of a breakpoint at the old line number, which is currently another line of code. Is it a bug or a feature, or just something wrong with my setup? It would be great to keep breakpoints in sync between gdb and vim, and let them move together with the text.

Hi Rostislav. I observe the same behavior that you’ve described.

It appears that the breakpoints can be synchronized after editing by 1) re-compiling, 2) reloading the file in gdb, 3) removing existing signs, then 4) re-editing the file to trigger BufRead and the subsequent breakpoint sign placement. This can be handled by a function with a corresponding :Compile command, as shown below (the example code is not general, as it makes multiple references that are specific to the blog post).

function! s:Compile() abort
  " WARN: The following code references 'factorial.c' and 'factorial', which
  " is specific to the blog post.
  " FIXME: Using :make would utilize the quickfix list for errors.
  call system('gcc -g factorial.c -o factorial')
  if v:shell_error !=# 0
    echoerr 'Compile error'
  call TermDebugSendCommand('set confirm off')
  " WARN: The following code references 'factorial', which is specific to the
  " blog post.
  call TermDebugSendCommand('file factorial')
  call TermDebugSendCommand('set confirm on')
  sign unplace *

command! Compile call s:Compile()

However, this won’t move breakpoints to account for new lines of source code. For that, I guess a more substantial solution would be necessary. I’m unaware of any built-in functionality for handling that.

“Thank you for the great tool!”

Gratitude for termdebug should be directed towards Bram Moolenaar, the creator of Vim, as he implemented the plugin.

The location attribute of a breakpoint is not writable, so the only way to handle this would be:

use mi-protocol to create a new breakpoint at the new place
use mi-protocol and the python api to copy the commands and conditions from the old breakpoint
use mi-protocol to delete the old breakpoint

To limit this would only to be done on the saving of the file and still would have the culprits:
* the breakpoint may be referenced, for example in python code elsewhere – and that would not have the new reference
* the breakpoint has “magically” a new number
… therefore I’d say this would be a mis-feature (actually more a bug than a feature).

What I do consider a bug is that the Breakpoint does not stay at the same line, maybe you want to create an issue at about that (if it isn’t there already)? Note: “keeping it” may also be hard because if that breakpoint is not using a line but either an address or something like “break on the label xyz” then this is not unlikely to also be broken…

Hi, do you know why it isnt showing the buttons(like step, over…) in my gdb gui? I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and vim 8.2? These operations can be performed with “:Operation” in vim too, right?

Hi ctrebo, the code for loading the toolbar checks for has('menu') and checks that the mouse option is set. Do both of these conditions apply in your case? For the former, :echo has('menu') should return 1. If not, the +menu feature was not enabled when compiling your version of Vim, and should be enabled at compile-time to permit the toolbar to load. For the latter condition, :set mouse? should show a non-empty value for that option. If it’s empty, :set mouse=a would enable the mouse across a range of Vim modes and permit the termdebug plugin to load the toolbar.

“These operations can be performed with “:Operation” in vim too, right?”

The toolbar items correspond to the following Vim commands:

  • :Step
  • :Over
  • :Finish
  • :Continue
  • :Stop
  • :Evaluate

Do you know if it is possible to clear the Output window? It makes searching easier when there’s less information in the window.

I tried searching for solution, but couldn’t find anything useful. For now I just restart debugger :/

Do you know if it is possible to clear the Output window? It makes searching easier when there’s less information in the window.

That’s normally not what GDB does, but actually some thing that works with Vim: – you can resize the interactive window to 1 line :resize 1 (as long as the window is interactive use [CTRL+W] to be able to send commands), then make it bigger again – and voila – the window has only the last entry visible.

I’m not sure how all contents, including the scrollback contents, can be cleared.

For just clearing the visible portion of the screen (but the contents are pushed into scrollback), it’s sufficient on my system to send the \033\0143 sequence.

For example, here’s a corresponding ClearProgram command.

command! ClearProgram let w = win_getid()
      \ | execute 'Program'
      \ | call system('echo -e "\033\0143" > ' . job_info(term_getjob(bufnr()))['tty_out'])
      \ | call win_gotoid(w)

Here’s a ClearProgram command based on Simon’s suggestion.

command! ClearProgram let w = win_getid()
      \ | execute 'Program'
      \ | let h = winheight(0)
      \ | resize 1
      \ | redraw
      \ | execute 'resize ' . h
      \ | call win_gotoid(w)

Thank you guys for trying to help. I’d rather have a way of clearing scroll back, as I regularly restart the debugging application, which produces lots of log entries. After a while it is hard to navigate through all of the logs. For example if i want to search for a given log entry, and I don’t want to search in the logs from previous runs of the debugged application.

So i found that gdb window can be cleared, while execution is paused with CTR+L, but unfortunately this doesn’t work for the program output.

Thank you for this good introduction !
Unfortunately, the arrow up key (repeat last command) does not seem to work in the gdb window which acts just like a normal vim edit window and not like a command shell window (arrow up = last command etc.) Am I missing something ?

Hi Mick, the arrow key cycles through the command history for me. It sounds like you might be in Terminal-Normal mode instead of Terminal-Job mode. If so, Terminal-Job mode can be entered by pressing i in the gdb window.

ctrl-w N or ctrl-\ ctrl-n can be used to switch back to Terminal-Normal mode.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I can switch between modes but Unfortunately, the arrow key still does not work for me.
I am using vim for windows btw. Also there seems to be no tab completion and other essential readline features in the :Termdebug gdb window

Possibly :version shows -job instead of +job?
The vim build may did not have any readline available during built time so that was disabled explicit. I’m just guessing here but that would be a valid reason to default to terminal-normal instead of terminal-job, too.

Did you built Vim on Windows for yourself? If not where is it from?

I guess this might be related to Termdebug running in Prompt mode on Windows (see :help termdebug-prompt), since the same issue occurs on Linux when setting g:termdebug_use_prompt = 1, to run in that mode.

I don’t know if the behavior is an expected limitation of running in Prompt mode.

Using ctrl-n and ctrl-p for completions might be a partial workaround (not as good as built-in completion and history support, but presumably better than nothing).

Thanks again for your answers & suggestions.
After looking at the source code of termdebug and consulting other forums it seems that Windows does indeed only support the “prompt” buffer mode. This is really a pity because a graphical debugger ist about the only thing I’m really missing in my vim-instead-of-an-IDE workflow (using gnu-tools on mingw). I tried haf a dozen other gdb-frontends for vim, but none of them worked satisfactory on windows. So now I’m considering setting up VScode as a debugging-only-tool.

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