
echo and printenv in x86 Assembly

This post contains implementations of echo and printenv in 32-bit x86 assembly for Linux.

echo is a Unix utility that prints its arguments to standard output.

printenv is a Unix utility that prints the environment to standard output.

The core functionality of these programs can be written in a few lines of C, where program arguments and the environment are passed as function arguments to main.

When a process is executed on Linux (or other Unix-like systems), its stack contains pointers to the program arguments and the environment, as shown below.

        |--------------------------|     Low
0(%esp) |      Argument Count      |  Addresses
4(%esp) |     Argument Pointers    |
        |           ...            |
        |            0             |
        |   Environment Pointers   |
        |           ...            |
        |            0             |
        |     Additional Data      |
        |           ...            |     High
        |--------------------------|  Addresses

The stack grows downward in memory. That is, the top of the stack has the lowest memory address. When a program is executed, the top of the process stack contains 1) the argument count (conventionally referred to as argc in source code), followed by 2) pointers to the argument strings, 3) zero, 4) pointers to the environment strings, 5) zero, and 6) additional data (including the data that the argument/environment pointers reference).

echo and printenv can be implemented in assembly language by traversing the stack and printing out the relevant strings.

Helper Functions

Both assembly programs have a helper macro, print, for writing to standard output. They also share a helper function, strlen, which returns the length of a string.

.section .text
# ************************************
# * print macro
# * Caller is responsible for setting
# * %ecx and %edx, and saving %eax and
# * %ebx if necessary.
# ************************************
.macro print
movl $4, %eax
movl $1, %ebx
int $0x80
.section .text
# ************************************
# * int strlen(char* str);
# * Returns the length of a string.
# ************************************
.type strlen, @function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl $0, %eax # Index
movl 8(%ebp), %ecx # Address of str
movb (%ecx,%eax,1), %dl # Current char
cmpb $0, %dl
je strlen_end
incl %eax
jmp strlen_loop
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp

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echo Assembly Code

The assembly code for echo iterates over the argument pointers on the stack, printing the string corresponding to each argument. The iteration starts at the second element on the stack (past the first element, argument count), and stops when reaching a zero.

/*** echo.s ***/
// Description
// echo – print arguments to stdout
// Synopsis
// echo [STRING]…
// Build
// $ as –32 -o echo.o echo.s
// $ ld -m elf_i386 -o echo echo.o
# ************************************
# * print macro and strlen function
# * are omitted.
# ************************************
.section .rodata
.ascii "\n"
.ascii " "
.section .text
# ************************************
# * echo [STRING]…
# * Prints the string(s) to stdout.
# ************************************
.globl _start
movl %esp, %ebp
# Local variables (offset from %ebp)
.equ index, -4 # Stack index being operated on
.equ address, -8 # Current arg address
.equ length, -12 # Current arg length
subl $12, %esp
# Start at index 1 (this skips argc)
movl $1, index(%ebp)
# Set address local variable
movl index(%ebp), %ecx
movl 4(%ebp, %ecx, 4), %eax
movl %eax, address(%ebp)
# Check if we're done (reached a NULL pointer)
cmpl $0, address(%ebp)
je echo_loop_end
# Calculate length of string
pushl address(%ebp)
call strlen
addl $4, %esp
# Set length local variable
movl %eax, length(%ebp)
# Print leading space if index > 1
cmpl $1, index(%ebp)
jle leading_space_end
movl $space_char, %ecx
movl $1, %edx
# Print current argument
movl address(%ebp), %ecx
movl length(%ebp), %edx
incl index(%ebp)
jmp echo_loop
# Print newline char
movl $newline_char, %ecx
movl $1, %edx
# Exit
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80

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The full source code for echo, including the print macro and strlen function, is available at

printenv Assembly Code

The assembly code for printenv is similar to the code above for echo, but starts iteration a few elements deeper into the stack, at the first environment variable pointer. It uses the argument count on the stack to jump past the argument pointers.

/*** printenv.s ***/
// Description
// printenv – print the environment to stdout
// Synopsis
// printenv
// Build
// $ as –32 -o printenv.o printenv.s
// $ ld -m elf_i386 -o printenv printenv.o
# ************************************
# * print macro and strlen function
# * are omitted.
# ************************************
.section .rodata
.ascii "\n"
.section .text
# ************************************
# * printenv
# * Prints the environment to stdout.
# ************************************
.globl _start
movl %esp, %ebp
# Local variables (offset from %ebp)
.equ index, -4 # Stack index being operated on
.equ address, -8 # Current env var address
.equ length, -12 # Current env var length
subl $12, %esp
# Start at index argc+1 (this skips the argument vector)
movl $0, index(%ebp)
movl (%ebp), %eax # argc
incl %eax
addl %eax, index(%ebp)
# Set address local variable
movl index(%ebp), %ecx
movl 4(%ebp, %ecx, 4), %eax
movl %eax, address(%ebp)
# Check if we're done (reached a NULL pointer)
cmpl $0, address(%ebp)
je printenv_loop_end
# Calculate length of string
pushl address(%ebp)
call strlen
addl $4, %esp
# Set length local variable
movl %eax, length(%ebp)
# Print current env var
movl address(%ebp), %ecx
movl length(%ebp), %edx
# Print newline char
movl $newline_char, %ecx
movl $1, %edx
incl index(%ebp)
jmp printenv_loop
# Exit
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80

The full source code for printenv, including the print macro and strlen function, is available at

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